Auction's Title: Datalogging equipment
Category Test & Measurement
Start Date 08/07/2010
Expire Date 06/08/2010 00:00
Start Bid 150.00 GBP
Nr. Bidders 0 
Hits: 2810
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User : kentech
Rating:  View other Auctions Joined Since:02/07/2010
Payment Info: Cash
Shipment Info :  Collection only due to volume of equipment.


Bid Description

Please find below a list of datalogging equipment that is now surplus to requirements.  It is all Philip Harris and Sciencescope equipment - all totally compatible with each other and newer versions from the same sources.  The bulk of it was bought en masse in 2002.  The rest (light gates, IR & pressure sensors) was bought direct from Sciencescope since 2006.

All equipment is in perfect working order, though some may need battery (PP3) replacement.

It should be noted that the CL-200 dataloggers can be upgraded to later versions with Sciencescope for a trade-in price of £50 each.

We have on offer (quantity followed by item description) –

10 - CL-200 Dataloggers.  Included are – sensor to CL-200 interface lead; CL-200 to (USB) interface lead; data collecting cards for remote logging and mains adaptors.

10 - Light sensors (analogue).

25 - Water temperature sensors.

10 - Current sensor.

10 - Potential difference sensor.

10 - Distance sensor + meter.

1 - Light sensor + meter (lux).

1 - Magnetic flux sensormeter.

10 - Ph sensormeter.

2 - Position sensormeter.

1 - Sound sensormeter.

2 - Temperature sensor + meter (1000C).

1 - Force sensor + meter.

1 - IR radiance.

12 - Light gates

Software - Datadisc Ag, Datadisc Pt and Datadisc Timing.  Note:  Responsibility will lie with the purchaser to buy licenses from Sciencescope.

This is over £10 000 worth of equipment!  The asking price is the bargain of the century!!!

Due to the bulk and weight of the equipment it will be necessary for the purchaser to collect all the equipment from the school, which is situated in central London.

I will accept payment by cash (on collection) or Paypal (prior to collection) only.

In case the auction ends with no sale, please contact me (whilst auction is ‘live’) if you are interested in any smaller ‘lot’. If there is no sale I will then contact you and we can agree a price and, if appropriate, delivery and postage.


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