Auction's Title: Twaddle's Hydrometer
Category General Lab Equipment
Start Date 06/07/2010
Expire Date 30/07/2010 00:00
Start Bid 10.00 GBP
Nr. Bidders 0 
Hits: 2638
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User : kentech
Rating:  View other Auctions Joined Since:02/07/2010
Payment Info: Cash
Shipment Info :  Collection only due to Health & Safety.


Bid Description

Found recently this Twaddle's Hydrometer No.3 – range 1000–1150 - is in perfect working order.  It is in its original packaging.  Though there is no date on it, I would say that it is probably pre-1960’s.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, though I can’t give much more info than is already here and can be seen in the photograph.

Due to the item containing mercury, this will be a collection only sale.  I am based in central London.

I can't get the picture to uplaod.  If you are interested, please contact me, including your email address, and i will send the picture to you.


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