Auction's Title: 2007 Sirona Galileos CT Cone Beam Digital Dental X-Ray
Category Analytical Medical & Biological
Start Date 13/10/2013
Expire Date 31/12/2015 22:55
Start Bid 33500.00 GBP
BIN 35800.00 GBP
Nr. Bidders 0 
Hits: 2521
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User : garisrejeki
Rating:  View other Auctions Joined Since:13/10/2013
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USA - 188 GBP


Bid Description

2007 Sirona Galileos CT Cone Beam Digital Dental X-Ray


Item Summary

This state of the art cone beam x-ray arrives from a dental office that had to shutter their doors due to recent economic concerns. Utilized only a handful of times and in immaculate condition, this is basically a brand new unit.  Manufactured in May of 2007, this listing includes all necessary components and will be ready to start operating upon arrival at your location.

Manufacturer Description

The system also includes a package with software modules (GALAXIS, RECO software) which extends SIDEXIS to include the processing of 3D data.  This includes the 3D reconstruction, storage, recall, display and processing of 3D image data.

The GALILEOS system comprises an X-ray unit that uses a rotating cone beam to produce two-dimensional images and three-dimensional reconstructions of the head region, including the dental/maxillofacial regions, for planning and diagnostics.

Model: Galileos CT Cone Beam

Serial: 02571

# Condition and known defects: 9.9/10 -- None-- In new condition
# Powers On?: Yes, Powers On

# Functionality: Fully Functional w/ All Accessories

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