Auction's Title: Gendex GX CB-500 I-Cat Cone Beam Digital X-Ray Dental
Category Analytical Medical & Biological
Start Date 13/10/2013
Expire Date 29/12/2017 00:00
Start Bid 27000.00 GBP
BIN 28800.00 GBP
Nr. Bidders 0 
Hits: 2236
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User : garisrejeki
Rating:  View other Auctions Joined Since:13/10/2013
Payment Info: Bankwire
Shipment Info :  Ship sameday payment received and then send the tracking number
Europe - 188 GBP


Bid Description

Gendex GX CB-500  I-Cat Cone Beam Digital X-Ray Dental

Manufacture Date: June 2008Model: Gendex GX CB-500 (G1-15-1-0)
This machine is in immaculate shape and has been used very sparingly since it was purchased. The machine is in perfect working order and comes with all accessories listed and pictured below. Please let us know if you have any questions pertaining to this machine.

Model: GX CB-500  Serial: NU010149

Comes with PC and monitor to run the machine, as well as the i-CATVision software and everything else you will need to run the machine.

Do you have question about my product please email me or buy online by my website

Ship sameday payment clear and then send the tracking number.


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